Tune List For Solemn Occasions

Traditional Tunes

  1. Amazing Grace
  2. Highland Cathedral
  3. The Dark Island (Isle)
  4. Skye Boat Song (theme of The Outlanders)
  5. Flower of Scotland
  6. Danny Boy
  7. Loch Lomond
  8. Auld Lang Syne
  9. Going Home
  10. Bells of Dunblane
  11. The Mist Covered Mountains
  12. On the Road to Passchendaele
  13. Morag of Dunvegan

Hymn Medley Set

  1. As the Deer Panteth/Come Thy Fount of Every Blessing/Be Thou My Vision
  2. Just As I Am/Blessed Assurance/Hyfrydol (Come Thou Long Expected Jesus)
  3. Onward Christian Soldiers

Military Tunes

  1. Air Force
  2. Army
  3. Coast Guard
  4. Marines
  5. Navy

More tunes are available as options. Other bagpipe tunes may be requested, however traditionally all tunes on the bagpipes are played by memory, and this may only be an option with sufficient lead time.